

The following are news items on gender, women and information and communications technologies. They cover APC-Africa-Women news and more general items!06/23/2004 – Citoyennes africaines de la société de l’information
Citoyennes africaines de la société de l’information”
Une publication du Réseau Genre et TIC
Série ENDA Etudes et Recherches, N° 231, juin 2004. Le Réseau Genre et TIC, une initiative en partenariat ENDA – OSIRIS – ART, publie, à l’occasion de la Première Conférence Préparatoire du Sommet de Tunis sur la Société de l’Information (Tunis, 23-26 juin 2004) “Citoyennes africaines de la société de
l’information, un manuel de première urgence à l’intention des
décideur(e)s”, plaidoyer à l’intention des décideurs et acteurs publics, civils et privés, sur la prise en compte du genre dans les politiques d’information et de communication, pour une société africaine de l’information juste, plurielle et inclusive.

Cet ouvrage collectif, pratique et illustré s’inscrit dans le programme “Prendre en compte le genre dans les politiques de TIC”, mis en œuvre par le Réseau Genre et TIC avec l’appui de Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA, Dakar, Sénégal), est à utiliser pour négocier et construire
l’équité dès les premières heures de la société de l’information.

Préface par Mme Karima Bounemra Ben Soltane, Directrice de la Division des Services de l’Information pour le Développement de la Commission Economique des Nations Unies pour l’Afrique ; Avant-propos par Association for Progressive Communication.


05/30/2004 – Gender & ICT with WNSP – Networking for change and empowerment forum 1-7 June, 2004, Rio de Janeiro, Brazail
The Forum is designed to provide a space where the APC WNSP can consolidate the growing gender and ICT advocacy network and focus greater attention on the need to locate gender issues at the center of all ICT policy and practice processes. It will also develop strategies and resources to sustain this network over the longer term and enable it to have greater impact.

Through a mix of experience-sharing, dialogue, networking and skills-building, the Forum comprises five major activity components that will further build on the gender and ICT agenda that has been discussed and developed through a series of NGO and UN conferences since 1995. These include the UNWCW (95), the Global Knowledge Partnership conferences (97/2000), the Global Conference of Networking Partnership (1999/2000), Beijing+5 review (2000), Association of Women in Development Conference (2000), Commission on the Status of Women (2001, 2002, 2003), the GKP Global Forum on ICT and Gender (2003) and the UNDAW Meetings which advise the UN General Assembly.

The Forum will bring together both women and men that have worked in the gender and ICT area in the past decade. It will provide a much needed space to build on the momentum created during the first phase of the WSIS (World Summit on the Information Society) and prepare a strategic approach and plan for the second phase of WSIS and other ICT policy arena including the Beijing +10 process, the world and regional social forums (WSF), the WTO and other relevant processes.

08/13/2003 – Forum on ICTs and Gender: Optimizing Opportunities
Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA (20-23 August 2003.
This meeting will be a multi-stakeholder initiative, bringing together public, private and not-for-profit stakeholders to examine issues surrounding gender and information and communication technologies.
In general, the purpose is to foster a greater appreciation of the gender-related barriers that exist in developing and developed countries, to develop an understanding of why women need access to ICTs, and to discuss strategies for overcoming these barriers. This will translate into policies that support women’s access to ICTs and successful networking to enhance women’s participation in the information economy, especially in the developing world.


Recognizing Innovative and Effective Efforts

The Gender and ICT Awards aim to honor and bring international recognition to the innovative and effective projects by women to use ICTs for the promotion of gender equality and/or women’s empowerment. The awards are open to projects from all around the world.

The Gender and ICT Awards will be launched, and winners will be showcased and celebrated, at a special event and venue parallel to the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Geneva, Switzerland, from December
10-12, 2003.

One representative from each of the 4 winning initiatives will be flown to Geneva for the awards celebrations in December.

Applications will be accepted from July 15 to September 10, 2003. (Applications sent by postal mail must be postmarked by August 25, 2003). Winners will be selected and announced by November 1, 2003.


07/22/2003 – Conference -International Conference on Women in the Digital Era
The International Conference Women in the Digital Era: Challenges and Opportunities will be held 10-13 December 2003 at Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamilnadu, India. The world’s leading technologists, sociologist, policy makers, social activists, academicians, demographers and historians are expected to come together and deliberate on issues relevant to women and ICTs.
E-mail: [email protected]


05/22/2003 – Réseau genre et TIC (Regentic)
Le réseau genre et TIC (regentic) a été créé à l’issue de l’Atelier “Dimensions de genre des politiques de TIC au Sénégal”, ( ENDA-ART-OSIRIS, Dakar, Sénégal, novembre 2002), organisé avec le soutien de l’Association Mondiale pour la Communication Chrétienne (WACC) pour faire le point sur l’état de développement du secteur des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (TIC) au Sénégal, d’en faire l’analyse du point de vue de l’égalité de genre, et amorcer un processus de concertation entre les instances de régulation, les organisations de femmes et celles de la société civile actives pour la promotion des femmes au Sénégal.

01/30/2003 – WSIS NGO Gender Strategies Web Site
To facilitate the online discussions, the NGO Gender strategies working group, have launched a very simple web page as a space to start collecting resources.

01/16/2003 – APC WNSP Forum in Tanzania
The GEM Regional Workshop in Africa was preceded by an Association for Progressive Communications and Women’s Networking Support Program Forum in Dar Es Salaam. Before local ISP’s and NGO’s, APC WNSP Coordinator Karen Banks recalled the APC’s role in Tanzania’s early connectivity. Fatma Alloo from Tanzania Media Women’s Association (TAMWA) talked about how connectivity has been transformed in Tanzania and women’s organizations and networking as well.TISPA, the local ISP association, promoted civil society involvment in ICT policy, stressing the importance of local internet exchange, newly announced in Tanzania in November 2002. Women’s organizations took a keen interest in Action Applications, APC’s open source software for web content management. After the Forum, the APC WNSP headed to the island of Zanzibar for the GEM Africa Workshop, with nine ICT initiatives from the region scheduled to test the GEM Tool.

08/15/2002 – Kampala Declaration: Declaration of the Know How Conference 2002
Hosted by Isis-WICCE and Isis International/Manila, with support from IIAV, at Makerere University, July 22-27, 2002. 180 women and men from 46 countries gathered together at Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda and are a part of the global community of information and communication specialists, librarians, archivists, academics, politicians, activists and media specialists in the field of women’s information. Read the declaration agreed on by the conference participants.

08/15/2002 – Letter of Solidarity from the African Caucus at KnowHow Conference
We, the African delegates to the Know How Conference 2002, held at the University of Makerere, Kampala, Uganda, after four days of deliberations today send this message of solidarity and sister support……

07/27/2002 – AAW Knows How
AAW is at the Know How conference in Kampala, Uganda – members: Women’sNet; FEMNET; ENDA-Synfev; WOUGNET, Fantsuam Foundation; Mecy Wambui and Buhle Mbombo all made contributions to the conference and the African Caucus meeting.

07/17/2002 – Women and the Internet: Connected
Three members of the APC Women’s Program provide a glimpse into their work, in the online Connected magazine”Latin American Women Take on the Internet” by Sally Burch, “Mexican Women’s Movement Makes Internet Work for Women” by Erika Smith and “Networking for Women or Women’s Networking?” by Sylvia Cadena.

07/17/2002 – Gender Evaluation Methodology – GEM
The Gender Evaluation Methodology (GEM) for ICT initiatives and ICT evaluation is an innovative gender analysis tool produced by the APC Women’s Networking Support Programme (APC WNSP) for practitioners who share a commitment to gender equality and women’s empowerment in ICTs. Created in 2001, 2002-3 will see the field-testing and refining of GEM, as it is used to evaluate 30 projects from Latin America, Africa, Asia, Europe and North America.